Why this?

The occasional piece of my own and a generous helping of others' creations I find inspiring. Site is named for a beloved book by one of my favorite writers, Italo Calvino, whose fanciful work lights--and delights--my soul.

Monday, May 30, 2016

It is I who feel profoundly fucked up

"When I was at Harvard, Jamaica Kincaid once said in our workshop, 'Write about that which most embarrasses you.' I think that's profoundly good advice. It's so easy, isn't it, to climb atop a soapbox and recite a poem about the ways in which we believe the world is fucked up? Who, for example, doesn't know the whole world is in cinders. And so I believe my work can be more effective, can reach deeper inside the reader if I say, 'It is I who feel profoundly fucked up,' and then explore why, meticulously." --Robin Coste Lewis 

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